Prepare A Business Plan Part 5 Of 5 The End.
Summary of Business Outlook for The Future:
Prepare a business plan in conclusion. Write out a brief, overall summary of your business. When the business was started, the purpose of the business, what makes your business different. How you’re going to gain a profitable share of the market. And your expected success during the coming 5 years.
Listing of Business personal References:
Prepare a business plan the last page of your business plan. Is a “courtesy page” listing the names, addresses and phone numbers of personal and business references. Persons who have known you closely for the past five years or longer.
Companies or firms you’ve had business or credit dealings with during the past five years.
And, that’s it. You have Prepare a business plan. Your complete business plan. Before you send it out for formal typing. Read it over once a day for a week or ten days.
Take care of any changes or corrections. And then have it reviewed by an attorney and then, an accountant. It would also be a good idea to have it reviewed by a business consultant serving the business community to which your business will be related.
After these reviews, and any last-minute changes you want to make, I’ll be ready for formal typing. Hire a professional typist to type the entire plan on ordinary white bond paper.
Make sure you proof-read it against the original. Check for any corrections and typographical errors. Then one more time read it through for clarity and the perfection you want of it.
Now you’re ready to have it printed and published for whatever use you have planned for it. Distribution amongst your partners or stockholders as the business plan for putting together a winning financial proposal, or as a business operating manual.
Take it to a quality printer in your area, and have three copies printed. Don’t settle for photo copying… Have it printed!
Photo copying leaves a slight film on the paper, and will detract from the overall professionalism of your business plan, when presented to someone you’re trying to impress. So, after going to all this work to put together properly, go all the way and have it duplicated properly.
Next, stop by a stationery store, variety store or even a dime store. And pick up an ordinary, inexpensive bind-in theme cover for each copy of your business plan.
Have the holes punched in the pages of your business report to fit these binders and then slip each copy into a binder of its own.
Now, you can relax, take a break and feel good about yourself… You have Prepare a business plan a complete and detailed business plan. With which to operate a successful business of your own.
A plan you can use as a basis for any financing proposal you may want to submit… And a precise road-map for the attainment of real success…
Congratulations, and my best wishes for the complete fulfillment of all your dreams. Have profit and glory to your success!!!
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